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Showing posts from April, 2019


After the delivery my daughter and I, my husband and my mom were moved to a recovery room, which is where we stayed for the next 2 days. As soon as we were wheeled into the recovery room I realized just how hungry I was. My husband called the cafeteria to order some lunch but since it was around 2:30 pm when we called, all that they had to order on the menu was cold cut sandwiches. Since I didn't really have much to choose from I just ordered a turkey sandwich with some chips and a pickle. Even though it was a slow time for food deliveries, I still had to wait for what seemed like forever but was probably no more than 30 minutes. My mom had to leave since she had class that evening so soon after she left my husbands mother arrived to meet our daughter. Shortly after she arrived the lactation nurse came in to help with getting our daughter to latch. She was still pretty lethargic and we were having a hard time keeping her awake long enough to try and get her to latch. Sin...

Labor and Delivery

When I found out that I was going to be admitted to the hospital that night at 37 weeks because I had developed preeclampsia, I had so many emotions running through my head.  I was happy, excited, relieved, nervous but mostly afraid. I had thought that I still had 3 weeks left but here I was about to have the baby as soon as the next day. I wasn't necessarily mentally prepared for what was about to come but in hind sight I'm kind of glad it happened the way it did. I tend to over analyze and obsess over little things so I know that if I were to have been coming up to my due date I would be a nervous wreck. After I called my husband to let him know what was going on he got his affairs in order at work and let them know he was going to start his 2 week vacation. He was also surprised but excited that all this was going to happen so fast. When I got home I finished packing up the little things that I needed to put in our hospital bag. I had luckily started packin...

Perfect Peel Hard Boiled Eggs

How to cook easy to peel hard boiled eggs Every time I cook hard boiled eggs I always would seem to have the most difficult time peeling them after they had cooled off. That was until I found this recipe. By placing the eggs in boiling water to start does increase your chance of getting a few eggs that will crack but I would much prefer taking that chance then spending 30 minutes trying to peel a dozen eggs.  1) First bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil on high heat.  2) Next slowly place eggs in pot with a slotted spoon.  3) Boil eggs for about 10-15 minutes. 4) Using the slotted spoon, immediately transfer eggs to a bowl filled with ice water for about 20 min.   Voil ร  , easy to peel eggs. Sometimes when adding the eggs to the boiling water you will get some that will crack. I cooked a dozen eggs and only 2 cracked open. This eggs shown above was an egg that had c...

Pregnancy- Second Trimester

At this point in my pregnancy both my husband and I had told our families that we were expecting but we had not yet told our coworkers the news. I was still not showing in the beginning of my second trimester and luckily I didn't have any pregnancy symptoms like nausea so it was easy for me to be able to keep it a secret at work. I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to announce my pregnancy at work yet until in an early morning huddle another one of my coworkers made an announcement that she was expecting in early August. I was so excited to hear about her news but in the back of my mind all I could think about was now we were going to have two people on maternity leave for potentially 12 weeks. I asked when her due date was and to my surprise it was only 2 week after mine. I looked at her and then looked at my manager with a surprised look. Another one of my coworkers jokingly asked if there was something I wanted to add. That is when I announced that I was also due in July....

Pregnancy- First Trimester

My husband and I found out that we were pregnant November 2017 and we were so excited. We had been trying to start our family for the past few months prior and I had been off the pill since January 2017. We first found out that we pregnant with a home pregnancy test, you know the ones that have the one line for not pregnant and the two lines for pregnant. Well I was still not convinced that the test was accurate since some of the lines were faint so I bought the home pregnancy test that tell you literally if you are pregnant or not pregnant like this . Its nice because it has a little digital display screen that has a loading screen after you saturate the applicator. Once it is done loading it displays either pregnant or not pregnant. There isn't a faint line or a faint word that makes you question whether it's accurate or not. After the little mini celebration between my husband and I we decided that we wanted to keep it a secret until we were able to get our first sono...

Pregnancy- Third Trimester

By this time I was starting to have a definite baby bump and my symptoms were starting to get a little more noticeable. I was feeling the back aches and the heartburn but I was also feeling the good ones too like the stronger movements of her kicks. My heartburn had started to get so bad that I had to keep a stash of tums with me at all times. I was eating them like they were candy. To help with my back aches I used a heating pad  during the day and at night I slept with a body pillow . I really liked the U shape of this body pillow and it was also very soft and fluffy but was still very supportive for my hips and back.  Around this time I was clearly showing enough that customers at work felt comfortable  about assuming I was pregnant. The biggest question people had for me was if my husband and I had picked out a name yet. My husband and I are somewhat of procrastinators. We had been looking at names but we didn't really find anything that we both liked. It w...

Easy Easter Rainbow Cookies

I made these for the first time this Easter and I think that this will be a recipe I will use again for next year. It's easy and quick to make for me especially when I am trying to get them started during nap time.  Easy Easter Rainbow Cookies Prep Time 15   mins Cook Time 15   mins Total Time 30   mins I love this recipe for Easter cookies because it is easy to make and it doesn't take long to whip together for a colorful dessert.  Ingredients 1   box white cake mix 1/3  c up   coconut oil 2  e ggs 4-5  tbps sprinkles (I just use rainbow sprinkles but you can use whatever you would like) 1  -   cup Easter  M&Ms Instructions Preheat oven at 350ยบ F. In a large bowl, add dry cake mix, sprinkles, coconut oil and eggs. Stir with a spoon until combined. Add M&M's and gently mix. Shape dough into 1″ balls and place them about 2″ apart on a parc...

From The Beginning

Let me start by thanking you for listening to my story and letting me share my experiences with you.  I will start my story letting you know a little bit on how my husband and I met. Our story began back in 2007 when we were both in high school. We met in history class our junior year in high school. He was a laid-back skateboarder and I was an angsty teen who was into photography and music. It was a project for my photography class that brought us together. We dated all through high school and in college we moved in together. During our time in college we adopted 2 cats (female- mixed breed, male- flame point siamese) and 2 dogs (female & male- husky and malamute mix). Shortly after graduating with our bachelor's degrees at Wichita State University we got engaged. My husband went back to college to get his master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and I worked my way up at a local credit union in town. Fast forward to now, we have been married for two years and needl...